Academy of the Elites: Unbound Magic Read online

Page 19

  “He did try to kill us, I guess,” I said, guilt swirling inside me.

  “Don’t do that to yourself,” Ben said. “He was here to kill you.”

  “How the hell did he even get here?” Matt asked.

  “He broke out of the prison,” I said.

  “Then we really had no choice,” Zach said. “He would have kept coming.”

  “Hey, this is supposed to be a solo test,” a voice called. “Even when they split you all up you find each other.”

  I turned and smiled at the familiar voice. “Hey, Violet.”

  “You five better split up,” she said. “I’m pretty sure they’ve set some traps for groups that linger together. I passed a couple of kids in a pit back there.”

  It was hard to believe that after everything we’d just done, we were still in the middle of the trials.

  “You heard her,” Luka said. “Ladies first. Raven, we’ll be right behind you.”

  “Good luck,” Violet said. She tugged on one of the doors and it opened without issue. She disappeared behind it, closing it after her.

  “Well, what are we waiting for?” Matt said. “We’ve got a trials to complete.”

  It still didn’t feel right, but I blew out a breath and reached for the door nearest to me. “I’ll see you all at the end.”

  “We’ll be there,” Ben said. “All of us.”

  I glanced at my mates again, feeling an overwhelming sense of appreciation for all of them. We were about to be thrown head first into our future but I no longer worried about it. I know we’d all end up together.



  The rest of the trials seemed sedated compared to facing down a shadow fae. I had to cross a field of poisonous thistles, make it through a dark tunnel, and climb a wall. I was pretty sure the wall was Coach Miller’s handiwork.

  In the end, none of it felt difficult. I attacked each challenge with confidence. By the time I saw the light ahead that showed me the way out of the maze, I realized that I was no longer worried about how to use my magic. I didn’t feel like I was behind or unqualified.

  When I walked into the sunlight, I felt different. Empowered. Free.

  The good feeling faded as soon as Dr. Green came running over to me. “Ms. Winters, I need you to get inside right now.”

  “That’s a hell of a congratulations,” I said. Even his panicked expression wasn’t enough to take me down right now.

  “The shadow fae escaped,” he said.

  “I know,” I said.

  “You know?” he asked.

  “You remember how I ended up here?” I asked. I didn’t like thinking about it, but I’d started my journey here with a body count. I supposed it was fitting that it ended that way as well.

  “He was in there?” Dr. Green asked.

  “Not anymore,” I said. “I’m afraid there’s not even a body to show for it.”

  Dr. Green smiled, then quickly cleared his throat and forced his expression into one of indifference. “Well, I suppose we’ll never know what happened to him. I will report to the authorities that we didn’t see him at the academy.”

  He started walking away, then turned back to me. “Congratulations, Raven. I knew you had it in you.”

  “Thanks, Dr. Green,” I said.

  “Raven!” Makayla ran toward me, Remi right behind her. Her shirt was torn in half and she had what might be scorch marks on her pants. But she was here and she was smiling. Remi actually looked worse. But they’d both made it.

  I ran toward her and we met in a hug, both of us bursting into a fit of giggles.

  “Can you believe we finally did it?” she asked. “We’re going to graduate. And neither of us died.”

  I laughed harder. There were too many times during my short tenure here that I wasn’t sure I was going to make it. “I’m glad you didn’t die.”

  “Same, girl,” she said.

  Someone else put their arms around me, squishing me in-between Makayla and the newcomer. I recognized his smoke and leather scent right away. “Luka! You made it!”

  “Of course I did, Kitten,” he said.

  “Get in here,” Luka said, dragging Remi into the hug. He piled on, grabbing on to Makayla.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Ben and Zach walking toward us. Behind them I saw a frazzled looking Matt. He’d clearly encountered something rough as his face was smeared with dirt and his hair was a mess. But he was safe.

  They were all safe.

  And a moment later, they all joined in the group hug.

  It didn’t take long for a few other students to join in. Violet and Scarlet, and even some kids I rarely talked to. It was a giant pile of love.

  Everyone was just happy to be alive.

  Finally, we all broke apart and waited for the last few students to find their way through.

  We didn’t have to wait long. When the last student came through, Coach Miller blew a whistle.

  “I officially call the Trials of the Academy of the Elites to an end,” he said. “And for the first time in six years, every student who participated completed the trials. Zero casualties.”

  We all cheered.

  “It’s party time, now, right?” Luka asked.

  “The celebration will be in the ballroom at nightfall,” Dr. Green said. “Congratulations to all of you.”

  Last time I’d been in the ballroom for a party, it hadn’t gone as I hoped. Makayla and I walked in together, hand in hand, both of us haunted by that night.

  The party was in full swing when we arrived. Colored lights flashed and a disco ball hung in the middle of the room, adding to the effect. Loud bass vibrated up through my feet from the DJ spinning in the corner.

  Students were already on the dance floor, their bodies moving and grinding to the music.

  I looked over at Makayla and smiled. Her eyes sparkled with joy and the tension she had walking in seemed to be gone.

  “We deserve this,” she said.

  “Yes we do,” I agreed.

  “I’m going to get trashed,” she said, laughing.

  “Lead the way to the bar, my friend,” I said.

  The two of us linked elbows and wove our way through the crowd toward the bar near the DJ. We sipped drinks and caught up on the last few weeks. I told her about the shadow fae during the trials and she lifted her glass. “Here’s to my best friend, the most kick ass woman in the world.”

  I laughed and knocked my glass against hers. “Thanks.”

  Remi walked up to us. “Can I borrow my girlfriend for a dance?”

  “She’s all yours,” I said, lifting my glass.

  Makayla knocked back the rest of her drink and winked at me. “See ya later.”

  “Have fun, you two,” I said.

  They cut through the crowd to the middle of the dance floor. As I watched them, I caught sight of my men. All four of them, walking toward me.

  The sight of them still sent a shiver of desire through me. Especially the way they were all looking at me.

  They made their way through the crowd and stopped in front of me. All four of them, together. It wasn’t something I saw happen often.

  “We had an idea,” Zach said.

  “Oh?” I took a drink. “What kind of idea?”

  “About us, after graduation,” he said.

  My stomach twisted. I was feeling more confident about finding a way to keep them all with me, but I hadn’t yet nailed down what that would look like. “And?”

  “I turned down my title,” Luka said.

  My brow furrowed.

  “Us too,” Zach said. “Well, we’re stepping away from the family business.”

  “I already had,” Ben said. “But I would have left again if I could.”

  “Okay,” I said, feeling uneasy. “Where is this going?”

  “We have something special between us,” Zach said.

  “That magic we used isn’t normal,” Luka added. “We’d be crazy not to use it.”

sp; “And crazy to split up,” Matt added.

  “I agree with that,” I said. “But I have no idea where you’re going with this.”

  “We can use it,” Zach said. “Years ago, there were organizations you could hire to hunt down dark magic or help find missing people. They haven’t been as prevalent lately. I think it’s time that makes a comeback.”

  “Like private investigators? Or like vigilantes?” I asked.

  “Maybe a little of both,” Luka said. “Either way, we start our own business. The five of us. And we use this magic to help people.”

  “And if we happen to find out what happened to your family along the way, even better,” Matt added.

  “What do you think?” Luka asked.

  My heart was so full just looking at my mates. I didn’t have words for how I felt. They wanted to stay together. To use our magic to help people. What more could I ask for?

  I set my glass down on the bar and walked closer to them and then spread my arms wide. “I think I’m the luckiest girl in the whole world.”

  They moved in for the embrace. The five of us were all connected. We completed each other. And though they had struggled with sharing, we found a way to make it work.

  “Come on,” Luka said, breaking away from the group hug. “Let’s go dance.”

  I followed them all toward the dance floor, fully prepared to have the most fun night of my life.

  I’d survived the trials, I’d passed the Academy of the Elites. I was about to be a graduate. And I was going to stay with all my mates.

  I’d been through so much in the last year but I wouldn’t trade any of it. Because in the end, it was worth it to begin my life after the Academy like this.

  Thanks For Reading!

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  XO, Alexis

  About the Author

  Alexis Calder writes sassy heroines and sexy heroes with a sprinkle of sarcasm. She lives in the Rockies and drinks far too much coffee and just the right amount of wine.